Who Am I? – The Cheapskate

I call myself a Cheapskate, but mostly I think I’m thrifty. I don’t always buy what ever is cheapest when we’re out shopping something. I usually try to do some research before we buy an item that’s somewhat expensive, I have no problems buying an off brand or store brand when grocery shopping.

I’ll buy used or reconditioned whenever it makes sense. Previous versions, when a newer model comes out. I don’t need the brightest, shiniest or newest of anything. As long as it does what I need it to do. It’s funny how some people feel like they need the “latest and greatest”, when they can get by with something that cost less and is older.

I prefer to do my own repairs and home improvements. Mostly because I like to learn something new and I enjoy doing it. But, I also like saving money instead of paying someone to do something that I know I can do. I realize that “time is money”, but not always the best way to view it.

I thought I had more to write, but that seems to be about it. I like saving money when I can. When there is something I want, I look for the best price, I wait until the price comes down whenever possible. The patience to wait sometimes helps me realize that what I wanted was something that I can live without.

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